What's on my mind?

能不能出国 就看这一关了
加油啊 孩子
你知道 家人对你的期望有多大的

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cui Ayam XD

Working now. No customer come in.
And i am alone here.
Manager take leave again and let me alone to take care of the whole showroom.
I really feel that she is way too brave to let me handle all the things. haih
Yesterday, almost gone into a big trouble.
Luckily all settled already. XD

Did all the paperwork just now.
Now study-ing my contract law.
Although already learnt for few months, but still not very familiar with it. T^T
Its really different from ELS and the terminology also very hard to get use to it.
Trying hard to catch up, because need to save my A2.
I duwan fail it seriously.

Faced a lot of problem with family these days.
They could not understand me, and i choose to ignore the problem.
So many things left behind and unsettle.
Don want to be emo at this moment.
I just want to live my life and go on with what i had choose.

Its been half year since the start of 2012.
Time really pass very fast.
In the past 5 months, what i had did except study?
Im like doing nothing.
I was just like everyday preparing my exam. So lifeless. /.\

At here, i want to make a promise to myself,
if and if i could go oversea study with scholarship, i ll go and have a tattoo on my left shoulder or my back. XDDDD
This is what i promised and i will achieve it for sure.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


特別的日期 嘻嘻
可是 我還是一樣宅在房間裡 上網溫習 無所事事

還有一個星期不到 就考完了我的AS
我好像不是很認真地去考 希望成績不會嚇死我 就好
我沒有要拿星星A 不過 希望成績有進步 不要讓我失望就好
沒有什麼把握 可是 看著我的notes 又不懂要讀什麼好 ==
直接要瘋掉了 ><

HAPPY 520!

最近的生活 幸好 有這兩隻小孩 XDDDD

Friday, May 11, 2012




還有好一段路要走  才可以正式休息兩個星期

一直以來 我都沒有所謂的勝負欲
所有事情得過且過 過得了自己那關 就好了
有時在想 這是好的嗎?
總是在半玩鬧 半學習的狀態中
有很慚愧 自己努力的程度 跟他們比起來 輸太多
改不回來的習慣 能夠如何
起碼 我沒有臨時抱佛腳 我真的有比以前勤勞

那天考完Law1 有幾個朋友都哭了
遺憾的是 我從來沒有哪個立場去安慰他們
靜靜在他們旁邊 或許是最好的了

每一次 都不會緊張 也不會覺得壓力
可能是 父母都很放任我吧
我做得怎樣 他們也是一句 你有努力就好了

我還真的從來沒有在考前 考試中 哭過
通常 不是 拿成績那一刻 才哭的嗎